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Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists in the educational setting focus specifically on assisting students in accessing and participating in their education. OTs and PTs use a variety of activities to help students develop skills, use compensatory strategies, and modify the equipment and/or the environment. Collaboration and education of school personnel is also done to best meet the needs of the students. Below are examples of the activities/areas therapists can assist with in the educational setting.
Sept. 12-13, 2024 | Fargo | Registration Coming Soon
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Prerequisite skills for handwriting and cutting tasks (arm and core strength, visual motor skills, finger dexterity, etc.)
Transitions (from one task to the next)
Accommodations to assist with skills needed for academic success (sensory processing, attention, emotional regulation)
Following routines
Carrying suppliers (lunch tray, backpack, books, etc.)
Putting on and off outdoor gear (boots, coat, etc.)
Restroom hygiene
Lunch and snack (eating with utensils and opening containers)
Social Skills
Job participation
Community interaction
Sitting at a desk or in a chair
Transfers (sitting to stand, chair to floor, etc.)
Balance (sitting, standing, reaching, etc.)
Stairs, managing doors, wheelchair mobility
Endurance and balance
Balance and coordination
Accessing and maneuvering in lunch room
Accessing and maneuvering on school bus
Community mobility
Job participation
Accessing playground equipment
Walking, running, jumping, skipping, hopping
Ball skills