Jolene Garty
(701) 997-2463
Email Jolene Garty
Gearing Up for Middle School
Entering middle school is a major transition in the life of a student and his or her parents. That's why Gearing Up for Middle School offers educational classes that prepare parents and their student for success in school.
Parents will focus on:
The physical, emotional, social and cognitive (brain/thinking) changes in their student.
The importance of a home and school partnership to ensure academic (school) success.
Their changing role as parents of an adolescent.
Students will focus on:
Choices, opportunities and responsibilities that await them in middle school.
The transition; people, places and expectations of middle school.
Their new role as a middle school student.
Contact Information
Gearing Up for Middle School is currently a pilot program with limited ability for implementation. If you are interested in learning more about the program, or if you have questions, please contact:
