North Dakota Math Corps

North Dakota Math Corps members work with small groups of students in grades K-3 or 4-8 who are just below grade-level proficiency in math. Members provide 90 minutes of weekly tutoring outside of core instruction times. Math Corps tutors provide evidence-based interventions following lesson sequences developed for each grade level. Students take a placement test before beginning tutoring and the tutor uses results from the test to determine where in the lesson sequence to begin tutoring.

Tutors administer the Mathway assessment – a program developed measure of student whole and rational number understanding and algebraic reasoning – to identify eligible students and track student progress during intervention. Tutors also administer a multi-skill math fluency assessment that includes basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division math facts.

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2023 - 2024 Evaluation


  • A total of 122 students were served at 6 schools by 6 tutors.

  • On average, students received approximately 67 minutes of tutoring/week across 24 weeks.

  • Results from Mathway show 91% of students demonstrated growth in their math skills, indicating an increase in their likelihood of meeting grade-level benchmarks. 74% of students made growth on the Fact Fluency measure.

Click here to view the full 2023-2024 Evaluation of North Dakota Math Corps

North Dakota Impact – AmeriCorps Math Corps 7,311 Tutoring Sessions 122 Students in North Dakota Served by Math Corps Tutors in 2023-2024 91% ND Students Who Received 6 Weeks or More of Tutoring Demonstrated Growth in Math Skills* *Mathway assessment data 2023-2024 North Dakota Math Corps Evaluation Report